About Us
Oilderado was started by The Stroh Family, a Colorado farming family since the 1900s. When The Strohs sold the family farm, they wanted to continue to encourage the model of a farm way of life. As business owners, they wanted to encourage the model of a healthy farm way of life and to support sustainable solutions for family farms. With a mission to connect responsible eaters with responsible farmers, Oilderado set out to find farmers who raise livestock and crops sustainably, humanely, and environmentally friendly without the use of genetically modified organisms. They listened to consumers asking for non GMO products and began producing non GMO cooking oils and organic cooking oils in 2013.
At Oilderado, we are proud to provide opportunities to farm families to make a fair living producing non GMO and organic crops. We provide a sustainable solution to those that wish to farm and eat with a conscience. Oilderado is managed by two generations of The Stroh Family and they offer their cooking oils for sale through this website. We also offer commercial non GMO cooking oils for retail, grocery, restaurants, and institutional use.